Donation Levels

There are many ways to make a gift to the Virginia Samford Theatre. You may make a single gift, which is renewed each year, or you may set up an ongoing pledge for a number of years. When making your gift, please keep in mind that the VST accepts appreciated stock as well as checks, and any major credit card. However you choose to make your gift, know we will put it to the best use possible. Thank you for your support!
Friend of VST $100
- Special recognition in website
VST Designer $250
- Special recognition in program and website
VST Stage Manager $500
- Special recognition in program and website
- Invitations to special VST events
VST Supporting Actor $1,000
- Special recognition in program, Web site and theater lobby
- Co-Sponsor of a STARS Youth Performance
- Invitations to special VST events
VST Leading Actor $2,500
- Special recognition in program, Web site and theater lobby
- Sponsor of a STARS Youth Performance
- Use of theater courtyard or boardroom for one meeting or event
- Invitations to special VST events
VST Director $5,000
- Special recognition in program, Web site and theater lobby
- One half-page ad in upcoming season program
- Use of theater courtyard or boardroom for one meeting or event
- Invitations to special VST events
VST Producer $10,000
- Special recognition in program, Web site & theater lobby
- One full-page ad in season program
- Use of theater courtyard or boardroom for one meeting or event
- Invitations to special VST events
VST Executive Producer $15,000 and above
- Special recognition in program, Web site & theater lobby
- Featured Billing for one upcoming Mainstage Production
- One full-page ad in season program
- Use of theater courtyard or boardroom for one meeting or event
- Invitations to special VST events